a successfull saturday

Hi all.
Well had jono yesterday, went out and got a lot of stuff most of which I still have.
Due to the fact uncle al was taking grandpa out to coffee they ended up coming here for dinner.
He brought his laptop and I was able to get everything working again on it.
The night was good and after all that I got to bed round 10.30.
Today I got up at 5 and went through a lot of email and so on ending up playing a game I ordered that turned up finally and enjoyed it.
Today I plan to walk and then probably chill.
There isn’t anything for once to tie me to a computer.
On monday I need to contact my boss for my research project and see whats going with that.
However it looks like I start the working year empty of all projects.
I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing.
Technically I need to contact the talk institute to check on my language job but for once in my life I don’t care.
Its summer for starters still and I plan to enjoy it.
As things stand, backups, done drives, done, maintenance on uncle al
‘s laptop done.
Abby not done, desktop is not done but then it was supposed to get replaced.
One of the big jobs this year will be to fix the new fibre connection in the next 6 or so months.
Inspections on the bathrooms have come back and there is no issue at all.
The last thing in that reguard is to get sorted the doorstops and soap trays and I doubt that will take that long.
Then we need to replace the carpet that we lost with the upgrade and restretch the stairs.
After that things will probably go down for a day or 2 while the carpet is cleaned.
After that in theory carpets need replacing and the walls need papering and painting as well as the ceeling that won’t happen for a little, most major stuff is done and thats the way I like it.
Upgrade wise, for once there isn’t going to be any.
The only thing that may need upgrading is the i3 but thats not my unit.
The only thing I may try to get next maybe is one of these wireless ac routers though since this current one is able to handle fibre anyway it may not happen.
I also want to get a duleband wireless extender but what we have works well enough right now.
thats it.

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